
Project Img

Jsx To Css Converter (vscode extension)

An vscode extension that converts inline jsx styles to raw css codes.

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Microsoft Todo List Clone

Microsoft todo list desktop app clone, there is no external css library for that project, styles written in pure css. Also it is not a pre written project from youtube or udemy tutorial

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Movie App

A movie app for searching movies and criticize them out. App has authentication, account page. Also movie comments are real time triggered.

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Redux Crud App

An app for crud purposes. Aim of this project was used to best practice redux toolkit and being familiar with state management of react.

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Gallery Vue 3(npm package)

An npm package for handling images as gallery view in web apps. It is easy to use, lightweight and has simple implementation. Besides compatible with mobile.

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Etsy Scraper

An app for scraping product data from urls. From given url script scrapes product's image price and name than writes to MongoDB.

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Crypto Chat App

An app for crypto currencies. You can track prices for various periods and chat real time with other users.

2024 Copyright Yağız Ceritoğlu,

Developed with Next and Chakra UI